MEFANET Project (MEdical FAculties Educational NETwork)



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SEARCHED IN TITLES: number of found contributions: 0

SEARCHED IN CONTRIBUTION FULLTEXT: number of found contributions: 5


Experimetal surgery XIV.
..Postoperative care in experimental surgery is limited by the.. .. care in experimental surgery is limited by the.. ..keywords: Postoperative Care, Complications, CNS and metabolic.. ..keywords: Care, Complications, CNS and metabolic..

Experimental surgery IX.
.. Opioid analgesics, Non-opioid analgesics. Postoperative Care. Euthanasia - Basic ethical principles,.. .. analgesics, Non-opioid analgesics. Postoperative Care. Euthanasia - Basic ethical principles,..

Experimental surgery IV.
.. animals. Drug administration, anesthesia care, preoperative preparation. Introduction, basic..

Experimental surgery VIII.
.. analgesia, postooperative care. Anesthesia of Small Laboratory Animals. General..

Treatment of muslim patients in Europe
.. are key factors while providing medical care..